Creating Funded
Day Traders!
Scalping with a razor sharp edge!
From the Founder & CEO.
My name is Tipu Agha, I've been trading financial markets since 2010.
With a vast amount of experience implementing different risk management strategies, I have created a highly effective razor sharp scalping approach.
Let me help you filter through the fluff and show you how to trade achieving anywhere from 70% to a 100% win rate trading most days!
Trade for as little as 1 to 2 hours a day with an astounding accuracy! Consistently achieve your daily profit targets for payouts from prop firms.

Pros Trade E-mini Futures.

Trading Futures is easier compared to Forex and Stocks. You can hone your skills by focusing on one market, trade it daily and master it.
With low startup cost and small commissions, you can even make money on the spreads by trading futures.
Trade the time that suits you best, the Globex (Europe), the US pre-market or the New York session.
No more spending hours waiting for the right trade setups!
With what you'll learn, you can trade any time and achieve anywhere from 70% to a 100% win rate most days!
Get funded with prop firms for as little as $100 and get thousands in payouts!
Trade like a pro using depth of market (DOM), this is something that we teach you in the course.
Let us show you how to achieve consistency as a scalper and build your confidence.

Essential To Your Success.
1. Why scalping offers 70% to 100% win rate.
2. How to setup your trading dashboard correctly.
3. Understanding market phases, price action dynamics.
4. When not to trade, identifying market conditions.
5. Trading the Globex, US Pre-Market and New York session.
6. Gauging market direction using multi-timeframe analysis.
7. Using DOM for tick scalping like a Pro.
8. How to scale in and out of positions.
9. My A+ setup, other trade setups for a 90% win rate.
10. Achieving consistency to build your confidence as a trader.
11. Advanced Pro scalping techniques.
12. How to get funded with a prop firm.
13. Defining lot size and risk management parameters.
14. Trading psychology, break bad habits with new ideas.
15. Creating a trading plan and implementing discipline.
16. Trading in the zone with the rule of three.
17. Using market depth for trade entries, stops and targets.
18. Trading in low and high volatile market environment.
19. Detailed live trading videos with thorough analysis.
Progress From Day 1. 🏁
Trading is a serious business with potential for huge capital growth, but reserved only for those who are serious and willing to get the right education.
Good education will help you polish your trading skills and your mindset to achieve your desired goals and ultimately make you profitable.

If your goal is to get funded with a prop firm, or if you'd like to use your own capital, this program is designed to help you feel confident to trade with real money.
Watch yourself progress from Day 1 as you learn "Pro Trading Techniques" in just 7 hours. You're going to learn to sprint with this fast track trading course. Finally, a program designed by a trader with over a decade of actual trading experience.
Now, you can learn from someone who understands the market inside out, gain new knowledge and use the tools that the pros don't like to share.
Follow The Process.
Get trading education that will minimise your risk and help you get to your goals faster, much quicker!
Go through the course and watch the live trading videos as many times until you have grasped the concepts, aced the techniques and mastered rules of the business of trading.

Follow the process, learn simple risk management techniques to achieve a professional trader's mindset.
Ultimately, polish your skills to achieve consistency as a scalper that you have never experienced before.
All you need is, 7 hours of learning with 7 days of practice, to 7 days of trading for a funded account.
To Six Figures.
$100 BILL
Which will you choose?
1. Win a one-off $10k, or
2. Make $100 a day consistently.

If you think $10k is the answer.
How long before you're back to zero?
Here's what you can do with $100/day,
Make $1500 to $2000 1st month.
Make $3000 to $4000 2nd month.
Make $6000 to $8000 3rd month.
Make $12k to $16,000 4th month.
Once you hit 6 figures,
$10K becomes history!
Get Rid Of Distractions.

Close the door behind you, get seated and focus, because day trading is a serious business and it's certainly not for everyone.
Here are the facts,
You've chosen a career that pays a lot of money, you want to be happy with a fulfilled career.
You need to achieve financial freedom, and you need to get it fast. But, you're running out of time!
If you use the right strategy..
If you follow the plan, if you try not to be greedy and if you put your faith into what you learn here.
You will see that light at the end of the tunnel, you will see results and ultimately you will achieve success.
Let me show you how to get an edge with scalping, somewhere in the tune of 70% to a 100% win rate.
I'll show you exactly how.
Your success journey begins here!
Good Trading Education.

Education contained within this program will put you on the fast track on your learning curve.
The small minority of traders who possess this trading knowledge do not like sharing it with others, because they earned it by enduring years of pain and losses.
Master the Art of Scalping will take you to new realms of success that many aspiring traders will never be able to experience in their lifetime.
Imagine being able to achieve a 70% to 100% accuracy in your trading, you cannot expect to better than that.
You can choose this today with a leap of faith, or you can be one of the statistics. You decide!
Scalping E-Mini S&P 500.

My recent scalping session for E-Mini S&P 500.
On the right of this image is my trading DOM displaying depth of market, also known as Level 2.
Take note,
My average trade time is 4 minutes 33 seconds.
Longest trade lasted for around 14 minutes.
While price was sideways for 30 minutes on this 1 minute chart, I was able to get in and out of trades using depth of market (DOM) scalping highs and lows. You can see my trade entries and exits on the chart, this is how the pros do business.
Scalpers don't hold trades only to see a profit turn into loss. I'll show you how you can scalp for an astounding accuracy using depth of market and my A+ trade setups.
By having a complete understanding of market dynamics and after learning my core strategy concepts, you too can scale in and out of positions like a pro.
You'll learn how to scalp when the market is slow and catch intra-day trends when market is moving fast.
Once you understand how the market functions, you'll pull profits out with greater consistency. Knowledge is key!
Embrace Success.
Fear holds most people back, because people are they're afraid to fail, afraid to take calculated risks..
You reject opportunities for growth because it means stepping outside your comfort zone. If you do that nothing will ever change.
Most people would rather stay the same even though they have nothing left to look forward to in life and nothing to lose, it's a fact.

I wasn't born into wealth, I saw my parents divorce at a young age, I saw my mother go into depression.
My childhood was poor, I saw other kids having nice toys, going on vacations and live a happy life while my parents struggled each day like there was no hope for a better future.
I cannot change the past, I have scars from my childhood.
I promised myself a good life and worked my @ss off to get here.
I endured losses, I endured pain of blowing up accounts. I wanted freedom so badly but I did not give up, I wanted to be happy and live a fulfilled life.
It took me a while, but I finally got there!
I have dedicated the last 15 years to financial speculation, so you can be sure that I may know a thing or two about making money with trading.
You can burn your energy blowing up accounts, buying a PS5 or that latest phone or electronic gadget, or you can decide to get onboard with me and start getting real trading results!
I'm going to give you an edge, something that took me years to find, fine tune and develop.
Let me show you how to scalp E-mini S&P 500 with a 70% to 100% accuracy. YES! It absolutely works like clockwork!
For Great Trading Results.
I am so confident in what you're going to learn that I'm willing to offer you a Money Back Guarantee!
Get Tipu's Futures Trading Course!

After purchasing the program, if you are not satisfied with the trading education half way through the course, we will issue you a full refund.
Saying that, we know for a fact that this is the only trading program that will actually teach you how to make money scalping Futures from home.
*Course contains professional level trading education in an easy to learn format. There's no fluff here, we get right to the juicy material.

£1497 - One Time Payment